webinar: How safe is your food? Managing the hidden poison

how safe is your food: the hidden poison

The college is set to hold a webinar on Managing the hidden poison; how safe is our food.

day: Thursday 15th April 2021

time:11.00 am-1.00 pm

register in advance 


Aflatoxins are highly toxic metabolites of several Aspergillus species widely distributed throughout the environment. These toxins have adverse effects on humans and livestock at a few micrograms per kilogram (μg/kg) concentrations. Kenya has the most recorded outbreaks of aflatoxicosis, that has resulted into death, in Africa. Aflatoxins affect not only human and animal health, but also food security and trade. Though produced in small quantities, the ease with which these highly potent, carcinogenic metabolites permeate farmers’ fields, and crop value chain, is of grave concern. Most aflatoxin-susceptible commodities are also staple foods in Africa.

 This webinar brings together guests speakers form Government agencies on food safety and regulation, the World Food Programme, Cereal Millers Association, and researchers, who are working tirelessly to manage aflatoxin exposure in Kenya.